VI International Congress on University and Disability


Evaluating inclusion in its various dimensions

October 25-27, 2023

On-site and virtual format

Salamanca, Spain


Taking up UNESCO's invitation to continue acting to achieve a new social contract for education, the VI Congress is a privileged space to advance in proposals and strategies that will allow us to build more inclusive educational and university models.

The Congress will be a common space for reflection and dialogue, the exchange of ideas and research and knowledge of best practices in inclusive and quality education at the university, seeking to weave and deepen networks that allow progress towards an egalitarian society with equitable education systems.

Experts from different countries, academics, researchers, policymakers, and students with disabilities will invite inclusive thinking about the best path to achieve the targets set by Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda.

This international Congress is aimed at students, teaching and research staff, educators, education managers, policymakers, and all individuals who are called upon and involved in the goal of ensuring equity in higher education.

We have the support and collaboration of the Ministries of Universities and Education and Vocational Training, the Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, the Royal Board on Disability, the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE), the CERMI, and the Universia Foundation.


The main objective of the VI International University and Disability Congress is to open to debate proposals and ideas on what are the best indicators for an inclusive university education in the framework of the SDGs and Agenda 2030, especially taking into consideration goals 4.3 and 4.5, regarding equal access and elimination of inequalities, and 4.a, building and adapting accessible, diverse and inclusive environments. It also aims to advance in proposals and strategies aimed at achieving the new social contract for education recently proposed by UNESCO. The Congress is an important space for sharing research and best practices on all aspects surrounding the inclusion of people with disabilities.


Working groups (WG) and presentation of papers:

  • WG1: Inspiring practices of inclusive universities
  • WG2: Universal accessibility, cognitive accessibility, and universal design for learning and participation
  • WG3: Inclusive and innovative teaching methodologies and quality processes
  • WG4: Regulations, public policies, and inclusive education
  • WG5: Technologies applied to inclusive education: tools and experiences
  • WG6: Inclusive practices for students with intellectual, developmental, or autistic disabilities in the university environment
  • WG7: Educational and career guidance policies to facilitate transitions to higher education


Until July 7, 2023, you can submit a 300-word abstract of your communication to with the subject line "Abstract CIUD2023".

Once all the proposals have been received, the Scientific Committee will proceed with the evaluation, and the resolution of the accepted communications will be announced before July 31, 2023.

Innovation, good practices, models, novel experiences, and research of interest in the national and international context will be valued.

Authors whose proposals have been accepted will receive a confirmation and must present their communication with a maximum length of 5,000 words in Times New Roman, font size 12, and 1.5 line spacing. The final communications must be submitted by September 29, 2023. Communications not submitted by that date will not be accepted.

The selected communications will be presented in person during the conference on Thursday, October 26, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the assigned schedule and room, which will be communicated to each participant before the start of the conference. The presentation schedule for the different communications will be provided on the conference website. All selected communications will be published in the proceedings book of the 6th International Conference on University and Disability, which will be published with an ISBN and made available in the virtual library of Fundación ONCE.

Data of the author presenting the communication:

  • First and last name:
  • Title of the communication:
  • Institution of origin:
  • Position:
  • Email:
  • Contact:
  • Telephone number:

Papers may be assigned to the following thematic groups:


Working Groups Selection
WG 1. Inspiring Practices of Inclusive Universities  
WG 2. Universal Accessibility, Cognitive Accessibility, and Universal Design for Learning and Participation  
WG 3. Regulations, Public Policies, and Inclusive Education  
WG 4. Employment, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Opportunities  
WG 5. Technologies Applied to Inclusive Education: Tools and Experiences  
WG 6. Inclusive Practices of Students with Intellectual, Developmental, or Autism Spectrum Disabilities in the University Setting  
WG 7: Educational Policies and Academic and Career Guidance to Facilitate Transitions to Higher Education  

Maximum 300-word abstract, Times New Roman, single line spacing, font size 12:


WORKING GROUP 1 Inspiring Practices of Inclusive Universities

This working group aims to share national and international good practices that are being developed to make universities an inclusive space where students with disabilities, teaching and research staff, and administrative personnel have equal opportunities and appropriate reasonable adjustments. Communications and research addressing teaching experiences, student experiences, and comprehensive experiences of inclusive university policies are welcome, sharing experiences ranging from university access to support policies, promotion, and equity guarantees. Communications that propose innovative teaching experiences and faculty training in inclusion are also expected.


WORKING GROUP 2 Universal Accessibility, Cognitive Accessibility, and Universal Design for Learning and Participation

Without access to the physical environment, information, communications, and other university services, students with disabilities do not have equal opportunities to exercise their right to education. Inaccessibility to spaces, environments, services, and teaching methodologies continues to be a problem in many cases for students with disabilities. In this regard, this working group provides a space for discussion on access and freedom of movement throughout the university and its facilities, as well as technological and digital accessibility, accessibility in curriculum content, and everything related to the full participation of students in the activities and services offered by the university.


WORKING GROUP 3 Regulations, Public Policies, and Inclusive Education

This working group welcomes communications on legislative frameworks, laws, regulations, plans, and public policies that guarantee the full implementation of the rights recognized in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It provides a space for analysis and reflection on the situation of inclusive education in the university stage from a human rights perspective. The starting point can be the existing legal barriers and deficiencies in public policies. Communications with a propositional and pragmatic approach are expected, which, through comparative law, contribute to the advancement of university inclusion. The communications in this working group will allow an understanding of the normative evolution in different countries and its impact on the progress of real and effective equality in education.


WORKING GROUP 4 Employment, Entrepreneurship, and New Professional Opportunities

People with disabilities have the right to work on an equal basis with others, which implies, as indicated in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a free choice of employment and an open, inclusive, and accessible work environment for people with disabilities.

In this working group, communications on inclusive employment initiatives and innovations are also expected. This can include best practices in promoting the employment of people with disabilities in both the public and private sectors, as well as initiatives that promote entrepreneurship among university students with disabilities and new job opportunities linked to the digital economy.


WORKING GROUP 5 Technologies Applied to Inclusive Education: Tools and Experiences

This working group provides a platform for communications that explore the implementation of technology accessibility and digital transformation, as well as the opportunities that technologies offer to facilitate inclusion in the university educational space. It includes the impact of new and innovative technologies. Both self-initiated or research group projects and elements incorporated by teachers are accepted. Additionally, it considers elements that students with disabilities use in their day-to-day activities as an alternative to direct participation and interaction with faculty and administrative services.


WORKING GROUP 6 Inclusive Practices of Students with Intellectual, Developmental, or Autism Spectrum Disabilities in the University Environment

It has been proven that the training of individuals with intellectual disabilities in the university environment positively affects their employment integration, as well as their autonomy and academic development. Communications received in this working group should address proposals, research, and good practices of university education aimed at young people with intellectual disabilities. These practices should facilitate comprehensive and personalized education to enable their participation in the community on an equal basis with others. The objective of this discussion is to advance knowledge about projects, experiences, and ideas that guarantee the right to higher education for individuals with intellectual, developmental, or autism spectrum disabilities.


WORKING GROUP 7 Educational Policies and Academic and Career Guidance to Facilitate Transitions to Higher Education

People with disabilities still encounter barriers to accessing higher education. Data indicates that over 50% of students with disabilities drop out after secondary education. In this working group, communications will address inclusive academic guidance programs that facilitate transitions to higher education, as well as pre-university educational best practices that reinforce the academic progress of students with disabilities and prevent early school dropout among this group.



The VI International Congress on University and Disability will provide a common space for reflection and dialogue, the exchange of ideas and research, and the dissemination of good practices related to inclusive and quality education in universities. The aim is to create and strengthen networks that contribute to the advancement of an egalitarian society with equitable education systems.

During the Congress, POSTERS can be presented on the various aspects covered in the program, with the following characteristics:

  • Readable, organized, concise, and easy to read.
  • The background color should facilitate the readability of text as well as images, graphics, and other elements.
  • Cooler colors are more advisable for backgrounds, and warmer colors can be used sparingly to highlight specific elements. Avoid using more than four or five colors throughout the poster.
  • Recommended font types include Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, and Verdana, with a minimum size of 12.
  • Avoid excessive use of capital letters, underlines, and excessive text justification.

They must also be submitted with the following information: :

  • Title
  • Authors
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliographic references
  • Graphics, tables, and figures


Filing deadlines 

Proposals for posters can be submitted until July 31, 2023, via email to with the subject line "POSTERS CIUD2023".

Once all proposals are received, the Scientific Committee will evaluate them, and the resolution of accepted posters will be announced before September 1, 2023. Innovation, good practices, models, novel experiences, and research of national and international interest will be valued.

Posters must be submitted in physical form by the responsible authors and placed in advance in the space reserved by the organization for this purpose. 

To make the order of presentation, posters must be sent in advance to the organization telematically before September 30, 2023. 

Posters can only be presented in person during the IV Congress.