  • Foto de Emiliano Díez

    After graduating and obtaining a Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Salamanca, Emiliano Díez Villoria has been engaged in basic research since the times when he was elaborating and developing his thesis statement. He is a member of a group of basic research in Memory and Cognition, GIMC and member of the Institute on Community Integration, INICo (applied research). In addition, he is also a member of consolidated Research Unit on Disability in Castile and León (unit No. 115).

    Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Salamanca, where he teaches within degree programs of Psychology and Occupational Therapy and within Master’s Degree program of Neuropsychology, as well as Research on Disability, etc.

    Furthermore, he took part in many competitive R+D projects, as well as in research in the field of experimental psychology that studies neuro-cognitive processes involved in language and memory, adaptation of evaluation tools for the use of assistive products, application of universal design paradigm for learning or those who started the Plan ADU (Asesoramiento sobre Discapacidad y Universidad, Conselance on Disability and University), which currently is not active but it was extended on a period of 5 years, developed in collaboration of Grupo Norte Foundation and the Royal Board on Disability. All these lines of research led to elaboration of various scientific works published in indexed and non-indexed journals, scientific journals, books and book chapters, as well as to spreading of information about results on national and international congresses.
