Joan Subirats Humet
Minister of Universities
PhD in Economics (UB, 1980).
Professor of Political Science and Administration (UAB, 1990).
Emeritus Professor of Political Science and Administration (UAB, 2021).
Founder and researcher at the Institute of Government and Public Policy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In 2003 he held the Prince of Asturias Chair at Georgetown University.
Researcher and visiting professor at several American and European universities such as, among others, U. California (Berkeley), New York University, U. Buenos Aires, CIDE and UNAM in Mexico, F.Getulio Vargas in Brazil, U. La Sapienza Rome, U. de Lausanne, FLACSO-Quito. In 2018 he received the Latin American Social Science Award from CLACSO.
He has specialised in issues of governance, public management and the analysis of public policies and social exclusion, as well as in problems of democratic and technological innovation, civil society and multilevel government. He has conducted a great deal of research on these issues with European, Latin American and Spanish teams and has published hundreds of articles and chapters in specialised publications.
He is a regular contributor to El País, and other media.
He is a member of the editorial board of numerous and diverse specialised journals.
He is accredited with six six-year research periods. Throughout his academic career he has supervised more than fifty doctoral theses.
Between January 2018 and May 2019 he was responsible for the area of culture at Barcelona City Council, and from July 2019 to July 2021 he held the position of Mayor of Culture, Education, Science and Community at the same city council. He has participated in numerous publications as author, co-author or editor.