  • Foto de Celeste Asensi Borrás

    PhD in Psychology and Special Education teacher from the University of Valencia. 

    Director of the Unit for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities at the University of Valencia. Currently UVdiscapacitat. She has been the coordinator since it was created and has been the director for 13 years. 

    Her professional career is linked to people with disabilities and inclusive education. She has participated in numerous training activities such as the university master's degree in "Sign Language at School", the university master's degree in "Social and Health Care for Dependency", the university master's degree in "Perinatal and Child Psychology and Psychopathology", in teacher training programmes and training for university volunteers in the Disability Area, courses on deafness, visual or motor impairment of free choice for university students or teachers, etc. 

    She has publications on this subject such as the book "La Integración de Estudiantes con Discapacidad en los Estudios Superiores" or "La lectura en los Sordos Prelocutivos", chapters of books such as "El psicólogo escolar ante los déficits físicos: sensoriales y motores", "Actitudes de los Estudiantes de la Universidad de Valencia Hacia las Personas con Discapacidad", "El Contexto Familiar Del Niño De Desarrollo Excepcional", "Discapacidad y Asesoramiento Vocacional", Alumnado con Necesidades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo en Estudios Universitarios, etc. 
