Anabel Moriña Díez
Anabel Moriña is Professor of Didactics and School Organisation in the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Seville. Her research, from a qualitative approach, focuses on inclusive education and exclusion at different educational stages, diversity, innovative teaching and learning methodologies, universal learning design and disability in higher education.
She has led national and European projects. She has numerous publications in journals indexed in the first quartiles in the Web of Science and Scopus. She is also author and editor of books for prestigious publishers. She has lectured nationally and internationally and has been an international examiner in doctoral studies and academic promotion at prestigious universities.
She coordinates the Education area of the State Research Agency. She collaborates with ANECA and other international agencies. She is a member of the editorial team of international journals of impact, such as the European Journal of Special Needs Education or Teaching in Higher Education, as well as reviewer of numerous journals.