Professor at Camilo José Cela University and Director of the Instituto Superior de Promoción Educativa, Madrid. Throughout her career, she has been an education inspector and has held the positions of Deputy Director General of Special Education and Attention to Diversity in the Ministry of Education and Director General of Educational Promotion in the Community of Madrid.

She has represented Spain in the European Agency for Development in Special Education and has directed, on the Spanish side, the Educational Integration Programme in Mexico. He collaborates with different national and international universities on the subjects he deals with as a specialist: inclusive education, assessment, curriculum design, supervision..., as well as teaching and directing courses for managers and teachers in these same lines of work. He is a permanent contributor to professional journals, directs the "Aula Abierta" collection of Editorial La Muralla and his books include: La Sociometría en el aula, Manual de evaluación educativa, Evaluación y calidad de centros educativos, Diseño curricular e innovación educativa, La evaluación de competencias básicas, La educación que exigimos, Educación inclusiva en las aulas, Educación actual: retos y propuestas, Educación de futuro. Texts for debate, Education in times of virus and The education of the future.