Full Professor at the Faculty of Education, member of the research group Socio-educational and Intercultural Inclusion, Society and Media (SIMI), Director of the University Master's Degree in Inclusive and Intercultural Education and Director of the Spanish Journal of Pedagogy of the International University of La Rioja (UNIR); he is also President of the Association Science, Technology and Society (CITESOC). He received his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the Central University of Venezuela, and his PhD in Communication Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
He has published more than 15 peer-reviewed papers, 30 journal papers and has written or coordinated as editor more than 20 academic books (https://scholar.google.es/citations?hl=es&user=4_ypbWcAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&view_op=list_works).
He has participated in more than 10 R+D+i projects funded in competitive calls for public and private administrations or entities (https://www.eliassaidhung.com/).
I am a member of the editorial boards of different scientific journals in Colombia, Mexico, Spain and Venezuela. I also serve as a member of the Julian Assange Chair, sponsored by CIESPAL. The main areas of research, developed in the last five years, are framed in the study of ICT applied to Education, Social Networks and Digital Media.
He has two six-year periods recognised by ANECA-CNEAI in the 2008-2013 and 2014-2019 (alive until 2025), at the level of research activity, and is an evaluator of projects of the State Research Agency of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain.