PhD in Engineering with an outstanding Cum Laude qualification. More than 30 years working in innovation and accessibility managing different teams, from 2000 to 2003 as General Manager and CEO of the consultancy firm Vía Libre and from 2003 to the present as Director of Accessibility and Innovation of the ONCE Foundation.  

His training includes IESE, PDG and Senior Management Programme for Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer Institutions (PADIIT), Stanford University (Professional Certificate on Innovation and Entrepreneurship), London School of Economics (Social Innovation). He is an expert in business management and innovation, Professional Coach, Teacher and Speaker.

He is currently Vice-President of the European Network of Accessible Tourism ENAT, President of the Technical Committee for Standardisation 170 Universal Accessibility and Design for All, Trustee of three foundations and member of the Board of Directors of Ilunion Hotels.

He has participated as director or member of the examining board in more than 10 doctoral theses and in more than 80 publications and articles. He has given lectures in more than 30 countries.